Sunday, August 27, 2017

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

How to sound like a misogynist.

HIM "My girlfriend crashed my motorbike"

HER "Is she alright?"

HIM "She has a broken brake lever and bent handle bars, but luckily she's still ridable"

HER "Wha...?"

HIM "Oh my girlfriend; she has a broken hand and a sprained thumb, but luckily she can still do the housework."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The simplest way to explain web 3.0

They say we've gone from web 1.0 to web 2.0 and are now seeing the growth of web 3.0. So a lot of people are asking; what is web 3.0?

The easiest way to understand the difference, and what web 3.0 means, is this:

With web 1.0 you sit in the real world and see the virtual world (eg read websites).

With web 2.0 you sit in the real world, see the virtual world and and can also alter the virtual world (eg post comments, status updates etc).

With web 3.0 you sit in the real world, see and alter the virtual world and that leads to changes in the real world (eg post a comment about a pothole and the authorities fix the road, or you creates a design for a funny t-shirt online and someone ends up wearing it in real life).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do people love their iPhones more than their babies?

I recently heard a story about a woman trying to cross a busy road while pushing a baby in a pram (stroller). As the pram went over the curb, it nearly tipped over. If the baby hadn't been strapped in, it would have been dumped on to the road. The mother reversed, tried again, and the same thing happened. The reason, apparently, was the mother had an iPhone glued to her ear so was trying to do all this one-handed.

Instead of making this a 'baby versus iPhone' debate, let's combine a love for them both with this pregnancy announcement iPhone case. Then your iPhone and your baby can get off to a good start without feeling jealous of each other.

The same design is available on different iPhone cases at

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The greatest invention in the world – ever.

Ever wondered what's the best thing mankind has ever invented? Well,
you're looking at it.

No, I don't mean the Internet, flat screens or anything like that. I
mean language.

It lets us cooperate and collaborate. It lets us pass knowledge from
generation to generation without waiting for natural selection to weed
out those that haven't picked up on something. It lets us entertain
and be entertained. And it lets us build our own ideas on the
foundations of ideas dreamt up by others.

So forget the wheel, the internal combustion engine or even the
control of fire. The bright sparks who created language are the
greatest inventors of all time.

If you can think of a better invention, tell me about it in the
comments space below.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Smart phones, dumb people.

A woman asked an Apple support forum to save her marriage. She had
checked through the 'sent' folder on her husband's iPhone and found an
email sent to another woman, with an attachment of a photo of his
private parts. As she pt it, he was pleasuring himself, and the photo
was taken at the moment of maximum pleasure.

He denied sending it to the other woman, claiming the iPhone had a
glitch where attachments looked like they had been sent when really
the email had no attachment. She was asking the Apple forum if this
could be true.

Not surprisingly, the regular iPhone experts had never heard of the
glitch. Curiously though, someone new registered and supported the
husband's claims. Hmmm.

I'm not sure how the iPhone 3G compares to other smart phones like the
Blackberry, the Nokia N95 or Motorola RAZR V3 when it comes to this
sort of glitch. But I did see another case of a smart phone
outsmarting its owner at a restaurant recently. One of my friends was
showing photos she'd taken with her smart phone and explaining where
and what each one was. But one photo puzzled her. "Do you recognise
that?" she asked her partner. "Because I don't remember where it is."

He inspected the beautiful lake in the image and explained "that's the
