Saturday, March 29, 2008

Which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Yes, I think I have the answer to the question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” This question is often posed as an example of a paradox. But to me, the answer seems glaringly obvious; the egg.

That’s because all chickens hatch from eggs, but not all eggs are laid by chickens. So assuming you believe in evolution, something that was one step earlier on the evolutionary path laid an egg that hatched into a chicken.

So, it was unquestionably the egg, containing a genetic mutation from the chicken’s antecedents.

Speaking of genetic mutation, I guess that's the theorey behind where we came from. Which makes you wonder where it all went wrong!

If you're interested in tracing your own origins, it can be more fun with a family tree service like My Great Big Family (click on the banner to visit their website)