Friday, October 24, 2008

Is this American irony? Election commercial.

If you get upset by foreigners poking a little fun at America, please
click the `back' button now. Because for me, the funniest part of the
CafePress `elevator' commercial above is the line `One nation. So much to say.'

Don't get me wrong, I like the rest of the commercial too. But that
line reminds me of a scene in The Blues Brothers, when Dan Akroyd asks
the barmaid what kind of music they usually have in her bar. She
answers "Oh we have both kinds; country AND western."

As an outsider looking in, to have endless iterations of `McCain' and
`Obama' just highlights how little choice American voters seem to
have.. My country, Australia, isn't much better, but there are minor
parties who hold a proportionate amount of power, due to the
proportional representation in our Upper House and preferential voting
system in the Lower House. And when I lived in Scotland, they had more
than two parties. In fact one of the `alternative' ones is now in

Can you see why that line made me giggle?

But Americans shouldn't feel too bad. I do acknowledge that America has brought us some great things, like The Blues Brothers. And CafePress :-)

united states flag map

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