Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Smart phones, dumb people.

A woman asked an Apple support forum to save her marriage. She had
checked through the 'sent' folder on her husband's iPhone and found an
email sent to another woman, with an attachment of a photo of his
private parts. As she pt it, he was pleasuring himself, and the photo
was taken at the moment of maximum pleasure.

He denied sending it to the other woman, claiming the iPhone had a
glitch where attachments looked like they had been sent when really
the email had no attachment. She was asking the Apple forum if this
could be true.

Not surprisingly, the regular iPhone experts had never heard of the
glitch. Curiously though, someone new registered and supported the
husband's claims. Hmmm.

I'm not sure how the iPhone 3G compares to other smart phones like the
Blackberry, the Nokia N95 or Motorola RAZR V3 when it comes to this
sort of glitch. But I did see another case of a smart phone
outsmarting its owner at a restaurant recently. One of my friends was
showing photos she'd taken with her smart phone and explaining where
and what each one was. But one photo puzzled her. "Do you recognise
that?" she asked her partner. "Because I don't remember where it is."

He inspected the beautiful lake in the image and explained "that's the
