Sunday, January 16, 2011

The simplest way to explain web 3.0

They say we've gone from web 1.0 to web 2.0 and are now seeing the growth of web 3.0. So a lot of people are asking; what is web 3.0?

The easiest way to understand the difference, and what web 3.0 means, is this:

With web 1.0 you sit in the real world and see the virtual world (eg read websites).

With web 2.0 you sit in the real world, see the virtual world and and can also alter the virtual world (eg post comments, status updates etc).

With web 3.0 you sit in the real world, see and alter the virtual world and that leads to changes in the real world (eg post a comment about a pothole and the authorities fix the road, or you creates a design for a funny t-shirt online and someone ends up wearing it in real life).